Now that I am writing this thing I feel like I have some sort weight taken off of my shoulders. The pressure to write some thing witty yet intellectually stimulating is a strong one. Well it is a lot for one little man to cope with, constant badgering from adoring fans inquiring when the next instalment will be made available to them. Being chased down the road by adoring stalkers (possibly a neighbourhood dog?) it all takes its toll ($2.90) but anyway I'm not going to talk about that any longer.
Today I'm going to talk about changing my name. That’s right, new life after divorce why not a new name?
Here are my thoughts so far:
1. Benson Jensen
2. Benson John Jonk
3. Benson Eifink (or Eyfink)
4. Benson Trap
Now they all have there pros and not many cons which is where I have reached my conundrum. Which do I use? Which name will I go by until I'm dead (you can call me anything you want after that). So lets go through them one at a time.
1. Benson Jenson - There is the awesome (and very classy) by-product of when people call me Mr Jenson I can say ‘Call me Benson.’ Which will amuse me to no end especially when dealing with infrequent acquaintances who will have no idea what I’m talking about.
2. Benson John Jonk – When I was younger I use to refer to myself as Edamin Jonk Armstronk. This name is simply a play on words from this. And being called MR Jonk is cool!
3. Benson Eifink (or Eyfink)- When people introduce themselves I can introduce myself as Benson Eifink then they will say ‘you now sure?’ or something like that to witch I respond ‘about what?’ they say ‘your name.’ And I respond ‘no its Benson Eifink.’ Then they will get really confused and making people confused before a conversation has even started is a real achievement.
4. Benson Trap – I like it so that’s all there is.
So now I’m left with the difficult decision of deciding on the final verdict. I think I might ask my family which they like the best. Then disregard their opinion and do what I want.
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