Wednesday, October 14, 2009

#5 "I'm into sports mum"

I find it funny that so many otherwise normal people spend so much money on 'sport'. Now I understand if you are playing the sport in question, but if you are simply a spectator then I pity you.

People spend millions and millions of dollars to watch grown men (because no-one watches women's sport) run around after a ball or whatever.
Now the homoeroticness of the whole thing would explain why homosexuals or closet-homo-bogans watch but to the average person I fail to see how this would be appealing in any way whatsoever.

Football (not soccer) is the worst culpret, now i understand that a good tackle in the real world is sometimes necessary, and rightly so, but paying some un-educated dick to run into some other un-educated whilst fighting over an oversized egg big dollars is rediculouse!

Come on educated society, why do we put up with it?

b+m = I/E

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